Supplements and Vitamins

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Supplements & Vitamins

Natural and health-focused supplements and vitamins. A healthy immune system starts with well-balanced levels of vitamins and minerals in your body. Take care of your health with the best supplements and vitamins.

Vitamins and Minerals

Dietary and Nutrition Supplements

Homeopathy Medicine

Aromatherapy Products

What is Homeopathy and how does it work?

Homeopathy is a self-curing medical system using highly diluted natural substances. Natural substances include plants, vitamins and minerals which are believed to speed up the bodies’ healing process.

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy, also referred to as essential oil therapy, is the use of naturally occurring plant extracts for therapeutic and health benefits. It is believed that aromatherapy promotes and improves physical and psychological well-being.

What do minerals do for the body?

Minerals are extremely important for the human body. Healthy levels of minerals promote the health of your bones, brain, and heart.

What are supplements?

Supplements or dietary supplements are substances that provide nutrients to your body to promote health and well-being. Dietary supplements come in the form of pills, powders, gels, and liquids.

What vitamins do for the body?

Vitamins are essential nutrients which your body requires to stay healthy and function optimally. Essential nutrients are required by your body to perform functions which include keeping your immune system healthy, healing wounds and converting food into energy.

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